Wednesday 12 February 2014


assalamualaikum cg magnet.
lama sangat dah ni tinggal. eheh.
tiba2 rasa nk menaip balik, hm?
lot of things happen.
either good or bad things.
"malas ahh nk menulis bagai, nanti habis org ckp mcm2, judge itu ini, ahh. aku penat dgn semua ni, sudah-sudah la"
"mulut orang takkan pernah berhenti"
"but sometimes writing make me feel better, yes, better. it just a story about life. a colourful life, too colourful, it may not just my stories, maybe yours, maybe theirs, anyone. A story that may give benefits, perhaps?"
I do fight with myself.
ahh, dah kenapa merepek pagi2 ini.
mood acah-acah menaip datang gini la jadinya ^^
just move on.
may Allah bless.

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